In April, the India Biodiversity Portal initiated the TreesIndia
Neighbourhood Tree campaign to map and create checklists
of Indian trees-in forests, cities, villages, highways, and in
your neighbourhood. The aim was to record the distribution
of tree species across India as a way of protecting species
disappearing from our landscape. More than 3300
observations were uploaded over the one week of the
Neighbourhood Trees Campaign held across the country
from 22 to 27 April 2014.
Dr Prabhakar, the chief architect of the India Biodiversity
Portal, and lead for the Neighbourhood Trees campaign
says, "... we have some very classy observations on trees,
generous uploads of 200-250 observations from individuals
for a process which is time consuming for that many uploads.
There have been folks-who will remain faceless, since
everything is online-who have come forward voluntarily to
help identify trees from the data shared."
http://treesindia.indiabiodiversity.org/ and http://
indiabiodiversity.org/ will remain active sites open to
contributors, both amateur and professional. The IBP
already has about 13,000 species pages: this is 13,000
pages chronicling biodiversity in India on an open portal,
contributed by nature enthusiasts and researchers.
Contributors can register and upload information on trees
and other biodiversity on these open portals to generate
information useful for research and species documentation.
Use our guide on photographing trees for identification, and
how-to tutorials on uploading observations and checklists
on http://treesindia.indiabiodiversity.org/page/45.
The TreesIndia group was founded on January 17, 2014
with the aim of putting up one page for every tree species
in India with descriptions, photos and point locations. The
campaign was planned in a workshop held on 28 February.
Thirty-three participants: NGO representatives, researchers,
teachers and students (school, graduate, post graduate
and doctoral) attended from Bengaluru, Pondicherry,
Chennai, and Goa. Seasonswatch, Vruksha Project, Neralu
Tree Festival group, Biotik-IFP, ATREE's own Heritage Tree
mapping representative from KMTR and the Kanakapura
school programme, and MCC, Chennai
were some of the participants. It was
decided that Earth Day, on April 22,
would be an appropriate day to flag off
the campaign.
Keeping pace with climate
change impacts
What are the questions researchers
need to ask when it comes to climate
change impacts? Physical and social
scientists and non-governmental
organizations brainstormed to identify
research and communication gaps
in their understanding of how rural
livelihoods adapt to climate change.
This was the subject of a two-day Indo-
US bilateral workshop on 'Adaptation
of rural communities to climate change:
Bridging the gap between academia
and community workers and identifying
research needs'. Besides learning from
each other, the participants aimed
to bring together their skills and
understanding in future collaborative
efforts in climate change research.
The technical sessions covered current
on-the-ground initiatives on climate
change adaptation and livelihood
impacts in rural India; to how climate
and crop models, and broad-scale
remote sensing might be used to
understand climate change impacts
on agriculture. The panel discussions
identified a need for fine-scale climate
and crop modeling, and effective
communication with rural communities
so they might better adapt to climate
change against the backdrop of other
demographic and market forces.
Dr. Harini Nagendra of ATREE and
Azim Premji University, and Drs Pinki
Mondal and Ruth deFries of Columbia
University organized this workshop.
There were nineteen participants: from
Columbia University, Directorate of
Water Management, Indian Agricultural
Research Institute, Indian Institute
of Science, Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, ATREE, Azim Premji University,
Central Research Institute for Dryland
Agriculture, Foundation for Ecological
Security, IIT Bombay, The Energy
and Resources Institute, Watershed
Organization Trust, Yale University,
George Washington University and NASA
Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The
workshop was held at ATREE, Bengaluru
on February 20 and 21, 2014. It was
supported by the Indo-US Science and
Technology Forum.
Bringing up baby and doing
research: what do women do who
want both?
When I was expecting Kuhu and decided
to take a year off from my PhD, like
many women in their careers usually
do, I wondered about how I would
balance work and child when I got
back. A year down the line, I was back
on my PhD and decided to take my oneyear
old daughter to the field. For the
next four and half months I was to stay
in Kibber, a village in the Spiti Valley
of Himachal Pradesh at 4,200m. I was
apprehensive about the long distance
to be travelled, access to health care,
and had mixed emotions about how
Kuhu would cope, especially with the
winter months setting in. The ordeal
that Kuhu went through in the 14-hour
bus ride from Delhi to Manali made me
wretchedly question my decision on
getting back to work.
But kids adapt much better than we do
and, in a day, she made be believe that
maybe it was not a wrong move! While
I took more than a week to get adapted
to the high altitude landscape, she took
only four days. Her loss of appetite and
heavy breathing soon vanished and she
was like any other baby in the village,
prancing about energetically.
Though challenging, these four and half
months were also the most memorable
months in field. In the course of my
fieldwork, my daughter learnt to walk,
run, dance to Spitian music, name all
the domestic animals, imitate a donkey
bray, say 'mama' and many other words.
She experienced the feel of snow, the
wet nose of a yak and even scalded her
face on a hot tandoor. Although the
memories of Spiti seem to have faded, I
am sure they will be revived when she
joins me in field again this year. In the
course of this one year, many people
have asked me, "How do you manage
your PhD and your daughter?" I have
just one answer to give them, "I never
want myself or my daughter to say: I
could not do it because of you."
Chandrima Home, PhD, batch of 2009,
researches the ecological and social
dimensions of threats posed by freeranging
dogs in the Spiti landscape.
She says that without support from NCF
field staff, villagers, friends and family
she could not have managed baby and
Personal Takes is a first person account
of the thoughts, ideas and experiences
of people who do research on
environmental issues.
Participatory research results
shared with respondents in
ATREE conducted a participatory
mapping exercise to understand the
current status of natural resources in
Vembanad Lake, resource-use patterns,
and the roles played by panchayats
and community-based organizations
in the governance of these resources.
This study was important because
extensive water and land remodelling
efforts in the past have drastically
altered the lake's waters and
landscape, affecting the natural habitat
of terrestrial and aquatic fauna and
flora, and the ecological health of the
backwater. The study was conducted in
| |
ten panchayats in the southern part of
the lake.
On 7 February 2014, ATREE and WWFIndia
organized a joint workshop on
'Sustainable livelihoods of Vembanad
Lake and its challenges', where they
presented the findings of their
respective research on 'Participatory
mapping of natural resources in
Vembanad Lake', and on 'Sustainable
livelihood security index of Vembanad
Lake'. The findings were shared with
25 panchayats, direct users of the
lake, and local institutions. These
two projects, supported by the
Kerala government's Department of
Environment and Climate Change, are
among the very few grassroots level
projects in this area.
Some of the suggestions that could
guide further work were:
- Expand the area of resource
mapping to the north of
Thannermukkom barrage. This
was recommended by most of the
- A participatory study on the
impacts of increasing populations
of cormorants (not looked upon
favourably by fishers) on fish
populations. Suggested by fisher folk.
- A scientific study on the impact
of houseboat tourism on the
ecological health of the lake.
- Further studies on sustainability
of black clam relaying, a practice
that was started in 2011. This
was suggested by the Black
Clam Cooperative Societies and
Jojo T. D.
Demand for lantana craft
The Lantana Craft Training programme
at Male Mahadeshwara Hills has been
attracting the attention of forest
department officials, especially of the
neighbouring states.
Thirty five participants from four
southern states requested further
training after a demonstration on the
lantana furniture making process at a
training programme on 'Management
of Lantana camara and Eupatorium'
by the National Afforestation and Ecodevelopment
Board (NAEB) on 13 and
14 February at Anantapur.
Forest officials from Tamil Nadu invited
ATREE to train the Soliga community in
Kathrimalai forest area near Mettur, in
lantana craft. ATREE responded with
a 15-day training in furniture-making
for 20 Soliga participants. MM Hills
field staff, Naryanan coordinated this
Ten families in Keeranahola village
requested training in lantana
furniture making. They see this as a
supplementary source of income on
days they are free from farm work.
They will be receiving training shortly.
Another training has been planned for
May 2014 under the aegis of the CEPF supported
programme on lantana
craft as an alternative livelihood. This
request was made by Junglescapes, for
skills training to communities in the
Lokkere forest area.
Jean Rodel, due to visit from Wildlife
and Environment Society of South
Africa (WESSA), is working on a
national education and awareness
campaign on invasive alien species
in her country and hopes to take
back learning from the Lantana Craft
Centre model in MM Hills, for possible
application in South Africa.
CEPF grantee news
The CEPF Secretariat and the ATREE
Regional Implementation Team visited
eleven partners across the Mysore-
Nilgiris and Sahyadri-Konkan corridors
in March, in which they took note of
successful conservation activities on
ground, as well as challenges faced by
the partners.
The indigenous community of
Kadars in Vazhachal Forest Division
successfully received title deeds to
Community Forests Rights (CFR) under
the Forest Rights Act, with help from
CEPF grantee, Amitha Bachan and the
World Wide Fund for Nature. This will
enable the Kadars to have a say in
managing their forests.
ACCORD, AERF and Keystone
Foundation reported socio-economic
benefits to local and indigenous
communities with implementation
of sustainable natural resource
management practices.
RASTA from Kerala, SNM from
Maharashtra and Arulagam, Tamil
Nadu reported a drastic reduction
in the number of pharmacies selling
diclofenac for veterinary use; also
a change in peoples' perception
of vultures, following awareness
campaigns on the role of diclofenac in
decimating India's vulture populations.
WTI has developed plans to mitigate
the negative impacts of linear
intrusions like roads and rail.
NCF, in collaboration with The Shola
Trust, is seeking to develop a better
understanding of human-elephant
interactions, with focus on peoples'
tolerance of Elephas maximus-Asian
WRCS has identified critical connective
links as habitat or migratory passages
for large carnivores. They are now
working to bring these critical links into
the ambit of some sort of protection by
informing regional policy and wildlife
BNHS is assessing the distribution
and population status of the Critically
Endangered and endemic Kondana
soft-furred rat Millardia kondana
in Sinhgad, and trying to apply the
'Alliance for Zero Extinction' (AZE)
concept to the site.
World Wetlands Day
celebrated at Vembanad
ATREE organized a seminar on
Conservation of Vembanad Lake and
Western Ghats along with Federation
of Joint Lake Protection Forums,
Vembanad and Joint Forum of Farmers
and Fishermen, Kuttanad (Kuttanad
Samrakshana Samithi) on World
Wetlands Day at Muhamma, Alappuzha.
Farmers and fisherfolk debated
the operation of Thannermukkom
barrage, which regulates the flow of
seawater in the lake; the importance
of streams to Vembanad; why
protecting the Western Ghats is
important to Vembanad stakeholders;
and management of invasive species.
ATREE pointed out the importance of
participatory conservation and the
bottom-up approach. Lake Protection
Forums released lamps in streams to
send out a message on the importance
of these streams to the viability of
Vembanad Lake.
Sites identified for long term
waterbird surveys over the
The fourth water fowl census results
make it very clear that the Tamiraparani
river basin is an important bird habitat
in India. The census, conducted mid-
January every year, is a citizen science
initiative. This year, the researchers
also earmarked 53 tanks of over 50
hectares area each, and heronries
that see congregations of winter
birds, for repeat surveys over a long
period of time.
This year's survey yielded a count of
67,000 waterbirds. Armugamangalam,
Kadambakulam and Vellur recorded
birds in excess of 13,000, 9,000 and
6,000 respectively; 18 tanks recorded
a congregation of more than 1,000
waterbirds and three tanks recorded
more than 5,000 waterbirds. Common
coots were the most abundant, along
with flocks of resident and migratory
ducks such as Eurasian wigeons,
northern pintails, cotton teals and
lesser whistling ducks. Other birds
sighted were Greater Flamingoes
and bar-headed geese. Caspian tern,
white-necked stork, kora or water cock
and small pratincole were recorded
for the first time in the four years that
the census has been conducted in
this region.
Sixty citizens, including doctors,
businessmen, housewives, advocates
and school and college students
participated in the survey held 24-26
January in Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi
districts. This survey was organized by
ATREE's Agasthyamalai Communitybased
Conservation Centre, along with
Pearl City Nature Society, Thoothukudi
and Nellai Nature Club.
Prashanth M. B.
Bird studies in conferences
A summary of ATREE's work on
'Farmer's perception of ecosystem
services provided by rodent feeding
owls' was presented at the 8th
Asian Regional Raptor Research and
Conservation Network, IISER, Pune,
Feb 2014. The conference focused
on conservation of Gyps vultures in
India and case studies related to birds
of prey across India, including their
representation in culture. Participants
presented extensive work on birds of
prey; on migration involving satellite
transmitter tracking; and nest site
observations with camera trapping
Earlier, ATREE presented summaries
of work on forest owls, ecosystem
services to forest fringe communities,
and the good and bad of drought
on waterbird populations in a river
basin (a result of three years of mid winter
waterbirds census) at the 2nd
International Conference on Indian
Ornithology, Nov 2013, organized
by SACON. The main theme of the
conference was on ecosystem services,
with dedicated sessions on birds in
farmlands, agro ecosystems, wetlands.
Interactive sessions focused on
existing and up-coming citizen science
initiatives across India, and on the pan
Asian mid-winter water census.
Prashanth M. B.
Internships in MM Hills
Herder challenges
Todd Bertwell, an intern from
Oregon State University, USA is
investigating herder practices in Malai
Mahadeshwara Hills Community-based
Conservation Centre. He is interested
in the income and non-income benefits
that people derive from their cattle,
how they manage their cattle, and the
challenges they face amidst changes
in water availability, the surrounding
ecosystem, and forest policy.
The study focuses on the Soliga
Scheduled Tribe and Lingayat
communities in two adjacent villages
in MM Hills: Gorsane and Keeranahola.
Both communities depend on their
cattle to fertilize crops, till fields, and
provide a small amount of milk, while
some people with larger herds earn
income through their sale. Herders
routinely access the forest for grazing
and have set up remote cattle sheds
in the forest. However, this practice is
under threat because of reduced fodder
availability and demands from forest
managers to abandon the practice. The
results will provide further insight on
the connections among people, cattle
and natural resources in MM Hills.
Role of medicinal plants
Intern from Taiwan, Zih-Lun Jian,
is studying tribal knowledge, and
Ruei-Yi Lin, is a nurse working on
traditional therapy in acupressure.
They visited MM Hills in February to
study indigenous knowledge on seed
conservation and wild plant usage.
Both interns also shared information
on wild plant usage in Taiwan with the
MM Hills communities.
Harisha R. P. and Todd Bertwell
Students' Wetland Congress
The fourth edition of the Student's
Wetland Congress was organized
on 5th February 2014 at Pulimoottil
Trade Center, Mullackal, Alappuzha, as
a part of the Jalapaadom programme
by ATREE's Vembanad Community
Environmental Resource Centre.
Hundred and four students from 14
schools and five colleges participated.
Six schools walked away with
winning projects on fish depletion in
Kumarakom, effect of weedicides on
wetland biodiversity, study on fluorosis
in Edathwa and Thakazhi region, etc.
Joby Paul, Vembanad CERC
The Dal lake project hired two
consultants in January: Aijaz Ahmed
and Majid Maqbool. Janardhana K.
joined as Senior Consultant, Outreach;
Manjunatha G. and Sowmyashree
as consultants; Devasenadhipathi
and Dhavamani R. joined as research
staff in Coimbatore; and Shruthi
Patil as Data Entry Operator on
the Adapting to Climate Change in
Urbanizing Watersheds (ACCUWa)
project. Ameya Gode has moved from
the grasslands project to employ his
training in RS in the Ecoinformatics
Lab as Research Associate. Rutuja
joins the MoEF dry grasslands project
as Research Associate. PhD alumnus,
Dr Ravi Ramalingam is Consultant on
the Western Ghats Insect Inventory
Programme. Dr Milind Bunyan joins
as Consultant on Ecosystem Services
for Poverty Alleviation project.
R. Kottaimuthu is a Consultant in
Wipro earthian. Vindhya Nanu Gopalan
is Junior Research Fellow–DST, and
Nachiket Kelkar, student of the 2013
batch has the added responsibility of
Teaching Assistant.
Workshops organized
Golden Jubilee National Seminar on
Bioregional and ecocritical discourses:
Nature and narration. Organized
by Newman College, Thodupuzah
in collaboration with ATREE, and
sponsored by UGC. 23 and 24 January
See details of other workshops
organized, like TreesIndia, Student's
Wetland Congress etc., in the preceding
pages of this newsletter.
Edited book
Purushothaman, S., R. Abraham
(eds.). 2013. Livelihood strategies
in southern India: Conservation and
poverty reduction in forest fringes. India:
Springer. ISBN: 978-81-322-1625-4
(Print), 978-81-322-1626-1 (Online).
Ramawat, K. G., J. M. Merillon and K.
R. Shivanna (eds.) 2014. Reproductive
biology of plants. Boca Raton, FL, USA:
CRC Press.
Papers published in edited books
Hiremath, A. J. and B. Sundaram.
2013. Invasive plant species in
Indian Protected Areas: Conserving
biodiversity in cultural landscapes.
In: Plant invasions in protected areas.
Patterns, problems and challenges (eds
Foxcroft, L. C.; P. Pyšek, D. M. Richardson,
P. Genovesi) Invading Nature - Springer
Series in Invasion Ecology. Volume 7.
pp 241-266. Springer.
Ramesh, M. and R. Sankaran. 2013.
Natural history observations on the
Indian spiny-tailed lizard Uromastyx
hardwickii in the Thar Desert. In:
Faunal heritage of Rajasthan, India. (eds
Sharma, B. K., S. Kulshreshtha and A.
R. Rahmani). Vol 1. pp 295-310. New
York: Springer.
Shivanna, K. R. 2014. Biotic pollination:
How plants achieve conflicting
demands of attraction and restriction of
potential pollinators. In: Reproductive
biology of plants (eds Ramawat, K. G.,
J. M. Merillon and K. R. Shivanna). pp
218-267. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC
Peer reviewed articles
Lele, S., O. Springate-Baginski, R.
Lakerveld, D. Deb, and P. Dash.
2013. Ecosystem services: Origins,
contributions, pitfalls, and alternatives.
Conservation and Society 11(4): 343-
Nayak, R. R., S. Vaidyanathan, J.
Krishnaswamy. 2014. Fire and grazing
modify grass community response
to environmental determinants in
savannas: Implications for sustainable
use. Agriculture, Ecosystems and
Environment. 185: 197–207.
Rogimon P. Thomas, Joby Paul. 2013.
Distribution and ecology of the genus
Murdannia Royle (Commelinaceae)
in South India. Online International
Interdisciplinary Research Journal 3(4):
Sapna Bai, N., O. K. Remadevi, T. O.
Sasidharan, M. Balachander and P.
Dharmarajan. 2014. Pathogenicity
of Metarhizium anisopliae
isolates to the ailanthus webworm,
Atteva fabriciella (Lepidoptera:
Yponomeutidae) under laboratory and
field conditions. Journal of Sustainable
Forestry 33(1): 73-86 doi:10.1080/105
Sivapalan, M., M. Konar, V. Srinivasan,
A. Chhatre, A. Wutich, C. A. Scott,
J. L. Wescoat, and I Rodríguez Iturbe.
2014. Socio-hydrology: Use-inspired
water sustainability science for the
Anthropocene. Earth's Future.
Sreekumar, K. R., Joby Paul, and
Rogimon P. Thomas. 2013. Taxonomic
and ecological appraisal of Ixora
johnsonii Hook.F. (Rubiaceae) mRNA 2
(3): 3-7.
Srinivasan, V. and S. Kulkarni. 2014.
Examining the emerging role of
groundwater in water inequity in India.
Water International 39 (2): 172–86. doi:
Thompson, S. E., M. Sivapalan, C. J.
Harman, V. Srinivasan, M. R. Hipsey,
P. Reed, A. Montanari and G. Blöschl.
2013. Developing predictive insight
into changing water systems: Useinspired
hydrologic science for the
Anthropocene. Hydrology and Earth
System Sciences. Discussions 10,
Discussion paper
Srinivasan, V., D. Suresh Kumar, P.
Chinnasamy, S. Sulagna, D. Sakthivel,
P. Paramasivam, S. Lele. 2014. Water
management in the Noyyal river basin:
A situation analysis. Environment and
Development Discussion Paper No. 2.
Bengaluru: Ashoka Trust for Research
in Ecology and the Environment.
Popular press
Maurya, N. 2014. Vikas ki avdharna
aur janjatiyon ka swasthya (Concept of
development and tribal health)Yojana
(Hindi) Jan 2014.
Pradhan, U. Seraph of the mountains.
Sanctuary Asia. February 2014: 60-63.
Papers presented in seminars
Maurya, N. 'Cosmology, ritual and
ecology: Understanding the role
of religion in preservation and
conservation of water resources'
under the theme Water: Culture and
Institutions at international conference
on 'Environment, Technology and
Sustainable Development: Promises
and Challenge in the 21st century' held
on 2-4 March 2014. Organized by ABVIIITM
Gwalior in collaboration with
ISEC, Bengaluru and University of San
Francisco and supported by ISARC-24
and Sage.
Invited lectures
Jojo T. D. Impact of conventional
energy sources on environment. Rajagiri
College of Social Sciences. 11 Feb
Lele, S. Sustainability, environmentally
sound development and the role of
science and technology. Indo-German
Summer School on Sustainability
Theory and Practice, organized by
Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
4 March 2014.
Shivanna, K. R., INSA Honorary Fellow
- Delivered two lectures in the Science
Academies Lecture workshop on
contemporary research issues in
Life Sciences at SDM College Uire,
Dakshina Kannada on 4 and 5
February 2014.
- Pollination biology: How plants
lure animals and use them for
pollen transport.
- Importance of low-tech research in
Botany in effective management
and conservation of our
- Pollination biology: Fundamental and
applied aspects. Siddaganga College
of Science, Arts and Commerce.
Tumkur. 5 March 2014.
- Delivered two lectures under Science
Academies Lecture workshop
on New Frontiers in Biology at S.
Nijalingappa College. Bengaluru. 10
and 11 March 2014.
- Pollen biology: Reproductive and
non-reproductive aspects
- Pollination biology: Fundamental
and applied aspects
- Delivered a lecture in the refresher
course on Life Sciences for
university and college teachers.
Pollination biology: A requirement
for crop productivity and stability of
the species. Bangalore University. 29
March 2014.
Vikram Aditya attended the AFEC-X
2013 (Advanced Field course in Ecology
and Conservation – Xishuangbanna)
from October19–November 30, 2013
at the Xishuangbanna Tropical
Botanical Gardens, Xishuangbanna,
Yunnan province, China, for which he
received a partial fellowship from the
Chinese Academy of Sciences and
from ATREE's Edda Sehgal travel grant.
Head Office
Royal Enclave, Sriramapura
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Tel: +91-80-23635555,
Fax: +91-80-23530070
Regional offices
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Development Area
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Tel: +91-11-2432 3133
Governing Board
Dr. Kamaljit S. Bawa ( Chairman)
Dr. K. N. Ganeshaiah
Dr. R. Uma Shaanker
Mr. Darshan Shankar
Ms. Rohini Nilekani
Dr. Surinder M. Sehgal
Ms. Seema Paul
Ms. Pheroza J. Godrej
Dr. K. S. Jagadish
Mr. A. N. Singh
Dr. S. Natesh
Dr. Ganesan Balachander ( ex-officio)
Dr. Priyadarsanan Dharma Rajan( faculty)
Executive Committee
Dr. Ganesan Balachander ( Chair)
Dr. Ankila Hiremath ( Faculty representative)
Dr. Abi Tamim Vanak ( Faculty representative)
Dr. Sharachchandra Lele ( ex officio)
Dr. Jagdish Krishnaswamy ( ex officio)
Dr. Nitin Rai ( ex officio)
Advisory Board
Pl note: * will also serve on the Faculty Advisory Committee
* Dr. Vijay Raghavan, Director, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru
Dr. Raghavendra Gadagkar, INSA SN Bose Research Professor and JC Bose National Fellow, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Bengaluru
* Dr. Amita Baviskar, Associate Professor, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi
* Dr. Navroz K. Dubash, Senior Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi
* Dr. Gita Sen, Professor, Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru
Mr. Raj Khoshoo, Senior Vice President, Siemens PLM, CA, USA
Ms. Kalpana Sharma, independent journalist, Mumbai
Dr. Ravi Chopra, Director, People's Science Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
* Dr. S. P. Singh, Former Vice Chancellor, Advisor, State Planning Commission, Government of Uttarakhand, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Dr. Ramesh Singh, Director, Learning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Office of the Director of Programs, Open Society Institute, New York
Convenors and Programme Leaders
Dr. Jagdish Krishnaswamy,
Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being and Convenor, Suri Sehgal Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation
Dr. Sharachchandra Lele,
Forests and Governance and Convenor, Centre for Environment and Development
Dr. Priyadarsanan Dharma Rajan and Dr. Ankila Hiremath,
Ecosystems and Global Change
Dr. Shrinivas Badiger
Land Water and Livelihoods
Dr. Nitin Rai,
Convenor, Academy for Conservation
Science and Sustainability Studies
This newsletter has been put together from reports by ATREE folk. Design and lay out is by Salil Sakhalkar. Editing by Samuel Thomas, Ganesan Balachander and Meetu Desai.