Edible Insects for Sustainable Livelihood, - A two day workshop on livelihood opportunities of edible insects and sustainable harvesting practices

Edible Insects for Sustainable Livelihood, - A two day workshop on livelihood opportunities of edible insects and sustainable harvesting practices
Insects are promising and sustainable foods for the future. They are rich in fat, protein, and essential amino acids compared with conventional meat. In Northeast India, more than 200 species of insects have been part of their daily diet and it is deeply rooted in the ethnic culture of many communities. With lower inputs required to produce them, insects are being realized as an important bioresource to meet the protein and nutritional requirements. As part of the DBT project on “Bioresources and Sustainable Livelihoods in Northeast India”, ATREE in collaboration with Department of Zoology, Kohima Science College (KSC), Kohima recently organized a workshop on “Edible Insects for Sustainable Livelihood” at KSC.
The workshop conducted on 11th and 12th March, 2021, explored ways to tap the potential of insects as an important bioresource that could help meet the nutritional requirement of communities. Chefs from local restaurants shared their culinary experience with insects and also informed participants of the most-sought after insect-dishes. Experts from across the country discussed ways to commercially rear and domesticate insects. Domestication could substantially reduce the pressure on the wild insect population as well as provide livelihood opportunities to several people. Besides being an important source of food, insects could also serve as feed for livestock and aquaculture.
Please watch the event recording from below link:
Day 1: https://bit.ly/2OIMlk5
Day 2: https://bit.ly/3esyCIR