Indo-UK workshop on monitoring and analysis strategies for anthropogenic pollutants in environmental and waste waters

Indo-UK workshop on monitoring and analysis strategies for anthropogenic pollutants in environmental and waste waters

12.11.2018, Monday to 15.11.2018, Thursday
Royal Orchid Convention Centre, Bangalore, India

We are inviting Early Career Researchers from the UK and India to apply to attend this workshop. All economy flights and reasonable accommodation expenses will be covered.

Application deadline for applications is Friday, 17th August 2018

Environmental Science; Environmental Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Water Quality Regulation and Monitoring

Dates: 12 to 15 November 2018

Venue: Royal Orchid Convention Centre, Bangalore, India

Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British Council, in partnership with the Royal Society of Chemistry, will be holding a four day workshop on the above theme at the Royal Orchid Convention Centre, Bangalore, India on 12-15 November 2018.

The workshop is being coordinated by Dr Richard Allan (JHI, UK), Dr Priyanka Jamwal (ATREE, India and Prof Gary Fones (University of Portsmouth, UK) and will have contributions from leading researchers from the UK and India (Prof M.S. Mohan Kumar [IISc, Bangalore], Prof Ligy Philip [IIT, Madras], Dr Anthony Gravell [Natural Resources Wales], Prof Graham Mills [University of Portsmouth] and Dr Ian Barnabas [Northumbrian Water].

This is an Open Call with a fair assessment process to select participants, based on their experience (maximum up to 10 years post-PhD experience), relevance of their research to the workshop, motivation and ability to disseminate the workshop’s outcomes.

The British Council Researchers Links’ programme provides opportunities for early career researchers (ECRs) from the UK and internationally to interact, learn from each other and explore opportunities for building long-lasting research collaborations. During the workshop, ECRs have the opportunity to present their research in the form of a poster presentation and discuss it with established researchers and other ECRs. One of the main focuses of the workshop is establishing and building on links for future collaborations.

To apply
All economy flights and reasonable accommodation expenses will be covered by the Newton Researcher Links programme. The application form can be downloaded from this link and should be sent to Lesley Blyth before the deadline of 17th August 2018. Event Sponsors The following organisations are providing support for the devleopment and running of the workshop.

Further deatils on the workshop can be download below.


Workshop Flyer
Workshop Application Form

Further Information

Richard Allan - Environmental and Biochemical Sciences, The James Hutton Institute Invergowrie Dundee DD2 5DA Office: +44 (0)1382 568952