Photosynthetic bio electrochemical systems for generation of electrical current and waste water treatment

Photosynthetic bio electrochemical systems for generation of electrical current and waste water treatment

13.04.2018, Friday
ATREE auditorium

Living organisms (both photosynthetic and heterotrophic) are able to generate electrical current that can be harvested by a suitable electrochemical setup. This forms the basis of Bio Electrochemical Systems (BESs). The current output obtained from these systems has increased substantially over the last few years, with the maximum reported being in the region of ~4A m-2 and ~70A m-2, for the systems operated with photosynthetic and heterotrophic organisms receptively. Bio Electrochemical Systems could constitute a powerful educational tool for disseminating knowledge related with energy and sustainability in schools. As well as being an attractive tool for teaching, these devices may be useful source of electricity in, for example, off-grid locations. In my talk I will also discuss the use of BESs to power camera trap in the Peruvian tropical forest and to run environmental sensor for wastewater monitoring in South India.

About the speaker
Paolo has a multidisciplinary background with specific interests in energy conversion and photosynthesis. His work is instrumental in studying the integration of biological and photobiological elements with physical components for the direct generation of electrical current, drive electrosynthesis, wastewater treatment, food production and as bio-environmental sensors.