Influence of geographic distance and genetic dissimilarity among clones on flowering synchrony in a teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f) clonal seed orchard.

Lyngdoh, N., Gunaga R. P., G. Joshi., Vasudeva, R., Ravikanth, G. and Uma Shaanker R. 2012 Influence of geographic distance and genetic dissimilarity among clones on flowering synchrony in a teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f) clonal seed orchard. Silvae Genetica 61 (1-2): 10-17
Lyngdoh, N., Gunaga R. P., G. Joshi., Vasudeva, R., Ravikanth, G. and Uma Shaanker R

Influence of genetic dissimilarity among teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) clones on flowering synchrony was studied in a Clonal Seed Orchard (CSO) of teak in Kar-nataka, Southern India. Flowering phenology was moni-tored for all the 24 teak clones of the CSO and flowering synchrony between clones was assessed adopting a novel 'overlap index'. Genetic dissimilarity among these clones was assessed adopting DNA based ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats) analysis. Large variation in the time of 'flower initiation' and of 'peak flowering initi-ation' was observed among the clones belonging to diverse sources, suggesting large asynchronous flower-ing. Cluster analysis based on ISSR marker indicated that the clones originating from a same source clustered together and there was a clear segregation based on their origin. Correlation analysis revealed a significant negative association between the average Jaccards's dis-similarity index between pairs of clones and average peak flowering overlap index. Clones from geographical-ly diverse regions had high genetic dissimilarity and also showed high flowering asynchrony within them.

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Dr. G Ravikanth
Dr R Uma Shaanker