Gastrointestinal parasites: The relatively ignored component in Indian wildlife research and management
Gastrointestinal parasites: The relatively ignored component in Indian wildlife research and management
Gastrointestinal parasites get their nourishment from host organisms; thus, they are commonly harmful to their hosts. The host always exhibits a strategy to prevent parasites or overcome the effect of parasites, conversely, parasites will be trying to take partial control over the host behaviour so that the changed behaviour can help in its transmission. Yet, many strategies have co-evolved among hosts and parasites to retain the balance in relationship to avoid a breakdown in the life cycle. If there is a breakdown in the stability of the relationship between the hosts and parasites, the resulting impact may be severe on the population of host species, which may be of concern in the management. Such breakdown also can happen due to human interference like altering the habitat conditions (fragmentation, loss of forests) or directly interfering with the community of host species. Understanding of such interventions on host species and its survival is indeed essential in the conservation and management of wildlife. I discuss some of those issues with a few case studies.
About the speaker
Dr. H. N. Kumara obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Mysore for his study “An Ecological Assessment of Mammals in Non-sanctuary Areas of Karnataka”. This study provided a distribution pattern for about ten species and identified the potential populations for many endemic and endangered species. Before Ph.D., he involved in studies focused on the distribution of mammals, ecology, and behavior of primates in Anamalai hills. He studied the adaptation of lion-tailed macaque to the changing habitat in the fragmented landscape of Anamalai hills. He involved in the study where the male influx, infanticide and female transfer was documented in bonnet macaque. Surveyed the nocturnal slender lorises across its distribution range in entire south India and studied some of the lesser-known mammal species for their status. He involved in identifying the forest areas for conservation for threatened species in southern states. He has over 93 publications and five book chapters for his credits. After his Ph.D., he was in NIAS as a young scientist (DST-Young scientist project), and he joined the SACON as Scientist on 1st March 2010.