The use of passive sampler devices to improve freshwater monitoring of anthropogenic pollutants in river catchments

The use of passive sampler devices to improve freshwater monitoring of anthropogenic pollutants in river catchments

11.05.2017, Thursday
ATREE Auditorium

This presentation will first introduce legislation, key chemicals to monitor and environmental quality standards from a European context. The presentation will then focus on current methods for monitoring pollutants in water and introduce the idea of passive sampling devices as a complimentary tool for water quality monitoring. The presentation will then focus on some applications of passive sampler use from UK water quality management programmes, showing examples of how data generated from PSDs can be used to develop catchment management solutions. The presentation will conclude with some potential applications for monitoring pollutants in river catchments in India About the speaker I am a Reader in Aquatic Biogeochemistry in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Portsmouth, UK, with over 20 years of research experience. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and the Royal Society of Chemistry. I am the Editor in Chief for the journal Continental Shelf Research and also a core member of the NERC (RCUK) Peer Review College. Key research interests are the development of in-situ passive samplers for trace metals, nutrients and emerging contaminants, also water quality monitoring within regulatory context (e.g. EU Water Framework Directive, Drinking Water Directive) and sediment biogeochemistry. I have published over 40 papers in peer review journals and have received over £1M of research money from NERC to support my research. I have supervised three NERC funded PDRAs, 8 PhD and 4 Masters Students. I have a number of strong active collaborative research links in the UK including joint funding with Cefas, NOC Southampton, Natural Resources Wales, Southern Water, South West Water and a number of UK NGOs. [Staff login] Sitemap © 2010. ATREE. All rights reserved.