The Air Pollution Narrative in India: Delhi and Beyond

The Air Pollution Narrative in India: Delhi and Beyond

06.08.2018, Monday
ATREE Auditorium


Exposure to ambient and indoor air pollution has been identified as one of the most significant health risks for India, but data remains inadequate, and much of the narrative remains Delhi-centric. In this talk, Dr. Pant will provide an overview on air pollution in India, and discuss the nature of air pollution in Indian cities. Through case studies, she will also discuss the growing civic engagement around air quality and the response from the government.  

About the speaker

Pallavi Pant is an air pollution scientist. She recently completed a post-doctorate program at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA). Her research focuses on characterization and assessment of levels and composition of particulate matter and associated health effects, particularly in developing countries. She is also the Social Media Editor for the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. Dr. Pant received her PhD in Environmental Health from the Division of Environmental Health and Risk Management at the University of Birmingham, UK. She also holds a Masters in Environmental Studies from TERI University, India. Outside the lab, Dr. Pant is interested in public engagement activities focused on air quality and health, and works with a variety of NGOs and citizen groups. She is also very passionate about increasing participation of women in scientific fields, and regularly participates in STEM outreach programs.