Community-Based Wet-waste Composting in Bangalore, India
Urban solid waste/garbage is a worldwide problem, posing both local public health hazards and contributing to global GHG emissions. As an alternative to conventional centralized, municipality-managed solid waste disposal, many citizen-managed initiatives are also emerging. Through a combination of legislative pressure and citizen initiatives, Bangalore city has emerged as one of the pioneers in community-based garbage composting. Today, there are more than 450 residential complexes are segregating waste at source. This project aims to study community-based garbage segregation and composting initiatives in Bangalore city in order to identify socio-technical elements that are crucial to the performance of such systems, including their methods of treating wet waste. It also proposes to carry out a desk review of experiences elsewhere, to come up with recommendations for replication and scaling in different contexts. The Bangalore experience can provide valuable insights for other parts of the world that face garbage disposal challenges. Cities of Chengdu, China and Vancouver, Canada have expressed interest in community-based composting systems.
Dr. Xuehua Zhang
Dr. Kishinchand Poornima Wasdani
Dr. Shwetmala Kashyap
Mr. Abhishek Vijaygopal
Workshop on 'Decentralized SWM policy innovation in Bengaluru: Special focus on residential bulk generators' on 10 March 2017, Hotel Iris, Brigade Road, Bangalore