Training Programme on Integrated Water Resources Management for State Water Resource Engineers and Managers

ATREE with the help of Government of Karnataka organized 12 days Management Development Programme in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) from 17-28th September 2018, for Karnataka State Water Resource Engineers and Managers of the Irrigation Department. This programme was held at the School of Ancient Wisdom at Devanahalli, Bangalore.
The objective of this course was “to enhance the capacities of engineers and managers in water related departments of government to understand, analyse and address water resource management in an integrated and holistic manner.”
To achieve this, IWRM training programme employed a learning-centred pedagogical approach. This approach shifts the focus of instruction from the teacher to the learner by designing a curriculum with modules designed around clear learning goals. Each session was interactive and included exercises (including group discussions, case studies and games) to help the course participants learn.
Training in specific techniques was also imparted, such as hydrological monitoring, water quality, and remote sensing and GIS. In terms of delivery,
· In all modules, a combination of learning-centred approach formed the core of the pedagogy. In terms of delivery, lectures, case study presentations, games and quizzes, videos, hands-on analysis and other activities was used to keep the process interactive and challenging.
· In all modules, resource persons who had mix of field and academic experience were involved to enrich the material delivered.
· A field visit was conducted, in which participants gained experience on different uses & users and their concerns and practices.