Water, Land & Society

Water, Land & Society
The Water, Land and Society (WLS) programme employs a problem-driven, multidisciplinary approach to generate knowledge that can explain the causes of inequity of access, unsustainability, pollution and the vulnerability of water resources. The programme’s aim is to generate usable insight that can help identify social, technological and governance solutions to India's water problems.
Journal Articles
Water body census: A good start but gaps galore
Priyanka JamwalResearch Brief: Using Sensors and Automated Chlorination to Improve the Microbial Water Quality of On-Site Sewage Treatment Plants in Bengaluru
Reynaert, Eva Nagappa, Deepthi Morgenroth, EberhardPeople
Chaithra PM, Consultant (Research Assistant)
Deepthi Nagappa, Research Associate (RA)
Dr. Bejoy K Thomas, Adjunct Fellow - Centre for Environment and Development
Dr. Durba Biswas, Adjunct Fellow
Dr. Priyanka Jamwal, Senior Fellow - 1 (Associate Professor), Centre for Environment and Development
Dr. Sharachchandra Lele, Distinguished Fellow in Environmental Policy & Governance
Dr. Shrinivas Badiger, Fellow - 2 (Assistant Professor), Centre for Environment and Development
Dr. Veena Srinivasan, Executive Director - WELL Labs
Ganesh Shinde, Student
Hymavathy P, Senior Research Associate
Lakshmi Raveendran, Research Associate
M Rachita, Intern
Monika K, Research Assistant
Rakesh, Research Assistant
Ranjeet Kumar Sahani, PhD Student
Rashmi Kulranjan, PhD scholar
Rashmi Mahajan, Student, PhD
Rinan Shah, Ph.D. Student
Shashank Palur, Hydrologist- Urban
Sminu T.V., Phd Student
Sumita Bhattacharyya, Ph.D Student