Journal Articles
Pooja Choksi, Arun Agrawal, Ivan Bialy, Rohini Chaturvedi, Kyle Frankel Davis, Shalini Dhyani, Forrest Fleischman, Jonas Lechner, Harini Nagendra, Veena Srininvasan & Ruth DeFries 2023, Combining socioeconomic and biophysical data to identify people-centric restoration opportunities,
Festus A. Asaaga, Bethan V. Purse, Mujeeb Rahman, Prashanth N. Srinivas,Suresh D. Kalegowda, Tanya Seshadri, Juliette C. Young, Meera A. Oommen 2023, The role of social vulnerability in improving interventions for neglected zoonotic diseases: The example of Kyasanur Forest Disease in India,
ANOOP N.R.,T. GANESH 2023, Impact of alien plants on Western Ghats causes concern,
Arjun Kannan, Subbaiah Thalavaipandi, Deven Mehta, A. Saravanan, M. B. Prashanth, Thyagarajan Ganesh 2023, Diet of Montagu's Harriers Circus pygargus Wintering in India: Analysing Seasonal, Regional and Sex Differences Using Web-Sourced Photographs and Pellet Contents,
MANAN BHAN 2023, Who’s responsible for the environmental impact of what we eat?,
KAMAL BAWA 2023, Biodiversity is us and we are biodiversity,
Irfan Shakeer, Priya Ranganathan 2023, What is organic food? How do we identify organic products?,
Priyanka Jamwal 2023, Water body census: A good start but gaps galore,
Seshadri KS 2023, The Enchanting Forest Canopy,