

ATREE students and researchers produce a range of outputs including peer-reviewed journal articles, discussion papers, books and popular articles.

Journal Articles

Biraj Adhikari, Davnah Urbach, Nakul Chettri, Eklabya Sharma, Thomas Breu, Jonas Geschke, Markus Fischer, Graham W. Prescott 2023, A multi-methods approach for assessing how conserving biodiversity interacts with other sustainable development goals in Nepal,
Vinayan, P. A., Yathumon, M. A., Sujin, N. S., Kumar, B. N, Ajayan, P. A, Muneer, P. K, N.M. Vishnu C.S. Anwar, Anoop N R 2023, Pattern and drivers of danaine butterfly migration in Southern India: implications for conservation.,
Anuja Anil Date , Ankila J. Hiremath, Atul Arvind Joshi, and Sharachchandra Lele 2023, Silvicultural Practices in the Management of Diospyros melanoxylon (Tendu) Leaf Production: Options and Trade‑offs,
