Research Brief: Using Sensors and Automated Chlorination to Improve the Microbial Water Quality of On-Site Sewage Treatment Plants in Bengaluru

Reynaert, Eva Nagappa, Deepthi Morgenroth, Eberhard

More than 3,000 on-site sewage treatment plants (STPs) recycle water for landscaping and toilet flushing in Bengaluru. Microbial water quality is essential to protect user health, even for non-potable water reuse applications. However, there is lack of information on short-term variability of the microbial quality of the water. This research brief presents monitoring results from two on-site STPs in Bengaluru, and makes recommendations on how to optimize STP operation to ensure microbiologically safe water at all times.

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Deepthi Nagappa
Non-ATREE Publication(Y/N): 