
Support ATREE to solve today's complex socio-environmental challenges

For more than two decades, ATREE has led the way in providing policy coherence, interdisciplinary knowledge and strong institutional frameworks to achieve environmental and social goals. ATREE works to achieve environmental conservation and sustainable development by taking action that is grounded in sound science and objective analysis. Thank you for supporting this critical work.

ATREE values transparency of highest levels, both in our financials as well as our work. We value every contribution made to ATREE and hold ourselves accountable for delivering results.

Consider a Strategic Endowment

At ATREE, strategic endowments provide support for long-term plans to work together on shared issues and priorities. Strategic endowment partners support ATREE’s research, grassroots work and the academy, providing critical, unrestricted support. Partners engage in substantive interactive discussions and information dissemination at the most senior levels in a variety of settings and formats-- at events, on-site visits and in publications.

Infrastructural Support

ATREE research has grown in strength and reputation, gaining national and international attention. ATREE is uniquely poised to expand its research, training and grassroots outreach mandate. A donor’s support continues to be recognised for years to come, with the donor(s) name associated with the units they help fund, such as those below.

Philanthropic Giving

Donations have helped ATREE realise its mission and provide the flexible resources needed to be nimble in response to immediate priorities. ATREE partners benefit from a deeper engagement with ATREE scholars, receiving invitations to events and access to ATREE’s research and analysis throughout the year. A philanthropic partner may choose from any of the giving opportunities mentioned below and be matched to varying financial commitments and interest areas.

In-kind Giving

In addition to monetary donations, donors can support ATREE with tools that make the work possible and/or assist in highlighting the impact of the work in the following ways.

ATREE is registered as a wholly charitable trust under Section 12(A)(a) of the Indian Income Tax Act 1961 and donations are eligible for 100% tax exemption under Section 35(1)(ii)/Section 80GGA(2)(a) of the Indian Income Tax Act 1961. ATREE is 501(c)(3) organization in the US. To support ATREE, write to