Completed Projects
Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions
Role: Co-investigator and project management. Lead on agro-hydrologic component, socio-economics and governance.
Negotiating Tradeoffs: Making Informed Choices about Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation.
Co-Investigator. Natural Environment Research Council, UK (in collaboration with University of Cambridge-UK, University of Oxford-UK, Winrock International India-New Delhi).

Context-Based Water Targets Pilot Study – Noyyal-Bhavani River Basin
ATREE has received a grant from the Pacific Institute, USA for conducting a pilot study in the Noyyal-Bhavani river basin in South India. This is a part of a larger initiative by the Pacific Institute and the CEO Water Mandate to advocate for corporate water target setting which includes pilot studies in different river basins.

BES for treating of wastewater and monitoring of effluent quality
The unprecedented population growth in the cities of developing countries has put immense pressure on the existing wastewater treatment infrastructure.
Adapting to Climate Change in Urbanising Watersheds (ACCUWa)
Water scarcity, unsustainability, inter-sectoral conflict and water-related vulnerability of weaker sections are ubiquitous in the Indian sub-continent.

Water distribution network study on fate and transport of contaminant and its decontamination by Pilot-Scale Tests
Population growth due to migration is causing tremendous pressure on city infrastructure.

2035 Vision for Sustainable and Equitable Water and Wastewater Management in Bangalore
Bengaluru city has experienced unprecedented growth in recent decades, from a population of 4 lakh in 1941 to 80 lakh in 2011 (96 lakhs for the Bangalore Urban district).
Assessing Ecosystem Responses and Socio-Economic Impacts of Altered and Free-flowing Rivers.
Co-Investigator. The Royal Norwegian Embassy, New Delhi.
Adaptation of Irrigated Agriculture to Climate Change.
Co-Investigator. CEFIRA/IFCPAR - Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (in collaboration with Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and the French National Ins
Impacts of Forestation on Water Cycle and Hydrologic Services in the Western Ghats: Response of Forests and Agro-ecosystems to Extreme Rainfall Events.
Co-Investigator. National Environmental Research Council, UK and Ministry of Earth Sciences, GoI (in collaboration with University of Lancaster-UK, National Centre for Biological S