Assessing species admixtures in raw drug trade of Phyllanthus, a hepato-protective plant using molecular tools

Srirama R, Senthilkumar U, Ravikanth G, Sreejayan N, Gurumurthy B. R, Shivanna, M.B, Sanjappa, M, Ganeshaiah K.N and Uma Shaanker R 2010. Assessing species admixtures in raw drug trade of Phyllanthus, a hepato-protective plant using molecular tools. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 130:208-215
Srirama R, Senthilkumar U, Ravikanth G, Sreejayan N, Gurumurthy B. R, Shivanna, M.B, Sanjappa, M, Ganeshaiah K.N and Uma Shaanker R
Other Details: 
130 (2010) 208–215
Publication name: 
Journal of Ethnopharmacology

Ethnopharmacological relevance: Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae) species are well known for their hepatoprotective activity and are used in several ethno-medicines in indigenous health care systems in India. Aim of the study: To assess species admixtures in raw drug trade of Phyllanthus using morphological and DNA barcoding tools. Materials and methods: Samples of Phyllanthus used in raw drug trade were obtained from 25 shops in southern India. Species admixtures in the samples were assessed by identifying species using morphotaxonomic keys. These identities were further validated by developing species specific DNA barcode signatures using the chloroplast DNA region, psbA-trnH. DNA from the market samples were extracted and amplified using the forward (psbAF – GTTATGCATGAACGTAATGCTC) and reverse primer (trnHR – CGCGCATGGTGGATTCACAAATC). The amplified products were sequenced at Chromous Biotech India, Bangalore. The sequences were manually edited using Chromas Lite. Species identities were established by constructing a neighbor-joining tree using MEGA V 4.0. Results: Morphological analysis of market samples revealed six different species of Phyllanthus in the trade samples. Seventy-six percent of the market samples contained Phyllanthus amarus as the predominant species (>95%) and thus were devoid of admixtures. The remaining 24% of the shops had five different species of Phyllanthus namely Phyllanthus debilis, Phyllanthus fraternus, Phyllanthus urinaria, Phyllanthus maderaspatensis, and Phyllanthus kozhikodianus. All identities, except those for Phyllanthus fraternus, were further confirmed by the species specific DNA barcode using chloroplast region psbA-trnH. Conclusion: Our results show that market samples of Phyllanthus sold in southern India contain at least six different species, though among them, Phyllanthus amarus is predominant. DNA barcode, psbA-trnH region of the chloroplast can effectively discriminate Phyllanthus species and hence can be used to resolve species admixtures in the raw drug trade of Phyllanthus.

Year of publication: 
Dr. Ganeshaiah KN
Dr. G Ravikanth
Dr R Uma Shaanker
DNA bar coding of Rattans and Phyllanthus: For developing fingerprints, resolving taxonomy and securing IPRs. Funded by Department of Biotechnology (DBT) New Delhi.
Non-ATREE Publication(Y/N): 