Adapting to Climate Change: A Focus on Biodiversity in the Western Himalayas

Certificate Training Programme on the Interaction of Biodiversity and Climate Change in North Western India (Himalayan Region)

DURATION & VENUE: The summer school will take place from 24th June – 6th July, 2019 at the University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir.


This two-week programme jointly organized by the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) and University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, delves into various concepts about biodiversity of the Western Himalayas, interaction of climate change and biodiversity, hydrology, ecosystem services and functions, and social-ecological systems. These will aid the participants in understanding the adverse role of environmental change (synergistic effects of climate change and other non-climatic environmental stressors) on the biodiversity and people of the Western Himalayas.

Training will be imparted through a combination of lectures, skill building tools, discussions on topical issues, and week-long intensive group projects. There will be a series of special talks on a variety of important topics and case studies pertinent to the region, as well as talks on improving scientific writing. Reading material will be sent to the selected participants to familiarize themselves with the topics that will be covered in the lectures, special talks and discussions.


Current post-graduate students (currently enrolled in a master’s or PhD programme in India), research scholars and early career professionals working with non-profits, government agencies, research institutions and academic centres in the Western Himalayas (applicants from Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir only will be considered). We hope to maintain an age limit of 35 years to ensure a certain level of experience, and so that participants gain the most from the programme.


By the end of the program, the participants will be able to:

Explain several concepts of biodiversity and its conservation, and their applicability in the Himalayas.

  • Explain and identify the ecological and socio-economic impacts of environmental change specific to the region.
  • Develop strategies to address these impacts and understand the requirements for policy reform.
  • Effectively assimilate pertinent data and contribute to research.
  • Develop strategies to scale up efforts to mainstream biodiversity information by established institutions in the Western Himalayas.


Week 1: The first week of training includes a combination of lectures, topical talks, panel and group discussions, and demonstration and hands on exposure to research tools (experimental design and various field sampling techniques). The topics covered will include: Biodiversity and Biogeography of the Western Himalayas, Climate Science, Ecosystem Services, Phenology, Socio-ecological systems, Community Management of Natural Resources, Eco-hydrology, Limnology, Invasive Species, Wellbeing, and Wildlife and Fish Dynamics. The summer school will comprise of daily sessions (in week 1) on the use of statistics (with the software R) and spatial analysis (with the software QGIS).

Week 2: The second week of training will majorly focus on the field project. Participants are expected to design the project, collect and analyse data following which results will be presented to fellow participants and resource persons.


Faculty and experts from ATREE, University of Kashmir and other renowned institutions will lead the lectures and training sessions.


Deadline to apply is 31st May, 2019.

Selected applicants will be notified directly by 7th June, 2019. Our decisions will be final.


There is no fee for the workshop. All participants will be reimbursed for travel from their departure location to the University of Kashmir campus, and back (train (3AC), bus, shared taxi). Accommodation at the university hostels and food will be covered. Stationary and equipment for the field exercises and mini-projects will be provided by the organizers.


For more information or queries, please contact:

Rubin Sagar: (ATREE)

Dr. Manzoor Shah: (University of Kashmir)