ATREE Leadership in Transition

After serving as CEO for the past three years, Dr Nitin Pandit has decided to pursue other goals and priorities. Dr. Pandit has made significant contributions to ATREE's growth, including the improvement of management systems, updating institutional policies, and always thriving to initiate new and useful programs. During his tenure, ATREE even started a new Master’s program in Conservation Practice. He has been the leading architect of AREST, a country-wide program for restoring degraded lands, and also executed the plan for ATREE’s new Center for Policy Design. More recently, he successfully highlighted ATREE's work during COP-26 at Glasgow.

And as you must be aware, ATREE will now see a transition into new leadership. The Board of Trustees will embark on an international search to recruit a new leader who will commit to aid ATREE in addressing our most pressing environmental problems. We will find someone who is dedicated, can expand and strengthen partnerships, and serve as an effective spokesperson for everything that ATREE stands for a just society living in harmony with nature.

As ATREE celebrates its 25th anniversary, our community is conscious of the tremendous challenges that lie ahead and the responsibilities we share with each other to heal our planet. ATREE will work to strengthen its current programs in sustainability science, One Health, rural biodiversity-based livelihoods, climate change, environmental education, alongside participatory governance and evidence-based policies. Restoration of degraded lands through AREST will prove to be a positive impact on the degraded agro-scapes and natural landscapes as well. By being a key participant of the National Mission on Biodiversity and Human Wellbeing, ATREE looks forward to exploring new frontiers linking our future with environmental protection and restoration in the years ahead.

Please feel free to connect with our Acting Director, Dr. Ravikanth .G at

17.12.2021, Friday