Participatory Appraisal of Regional Distribution of Exotic Species in India (PARDESI)

Participatory Appraisal of Regional Distribution of Exotic Species in India (PARDESI)

Project Status: 

ATREE, Keystone Foundation, and World Wildlife Fund for Nature–India (Coimbatore) are collaborating to carry out a participatory appraisal of the status of invasive alien species of the Nilgiris watershed region with the help of citizen volunteers. This pilot effort is supported by funds from The Royal Norwegian Embassy, and CARIAA-ASSAR. The objective is to create an atlas of invasive plant species for the Nilgiri watershed, as a scalable model for invasive species mapping in other large landscapes across the country.

Landscape, Livelihoods and Conservation
Dr. Ankila Hiremath
Dr. Milind Bunyan