Taxonomic Revision and Phylogeny of the genus Piper L (Piperaceae) in India with its Bogeography' Funded by Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology (SERB-DST) New Delhi. 3 Years, 2019-2021

Taxonomic Revision and Phylogeny of the genus Piper L (Piperaceae) in India with its Bogeography' Funded by Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology (SERB-DST) New Delhi. 3 Years, 2019-2021

Project Status: 

The genus Piper includes a number of economically and medicinally important species, e.g.  P.nigrum, P. betel, P. longum etc. distributed in different parts of Asia. The taxonomy of the genus is not completely resolved and the phylogeny of the genus is poorly understood. In this project, we aim to address the taxonomic complexities in the genus Piper using both morphological as well as molecular tools and also understand the phylogeny of Piper employing three polymorphic genes/ spacer regions viz., ITS2, 5.8s and chloroplast intron psbA-trnH. The project also aims to trace the biogeography of the genus Piper. This will be achieved by using different candidate genes to reconstruct the gene genealogies.

Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Planning
Dr. G Ravikanth

Projects Page Tabs

Journal Articles

Sandeep Sena, Selvadurai Dayanandanc, Thomson Davise, Rengaian Ganesana, M.R. Jagadisha, P.J. Mathewe, Gudasalamani Ravikantha 2019 Origin and evolution of the genus Piper in Peninsular India Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 138 (2019) 102–113
Dr. G Ravikanth's picture

Dr. G Ravikanth

  • Senior Fellow - 2 (Professor), Suri Sehgal Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Planning
Pavan Kumar Thunga's picture

Pavan Kumar Thunga

  • Junior Research Fellow
  • Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Planning