

ATREE students and researchers produce a range of outputs including peer-reviewed journal articles, discussion papers, books and popular articles.

Journal Articles

Krishnaswamy, J., Vaidyanathan, S., Rajagopalan, B., Bonell, M., Sankaran, M., Bhalla, R.S. and Badiger, S., 2015, Non-stationary and non-linear influence of ENSO and Indian Ocean Dipole on the variability of Indian monsoon rainfall and extreme rain events., Climate Dynamics, 45(1-2), pp.175-184.
Ugraiah A, Vinod G, Ravikanth G, Nataraja N. K and Uma Shaanker R 2015, Establishment and standardization of in-vitro regeneration protocol in Nothapodytes nimmoniana Graham and evaluation of camptothecine (CPT) in tissue culture plants., Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 11/2015; DOI:10.1007/s40502-015-0182-3
Deshpande, K. & Kelkar, N. 2015, Acoustic identification of Otomops wroughtoni and other free-tailed bat species (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from India., Acta Chiropterologica 17(2): 419–428. doi: 10.3161/15081109ACC2015.17.2.018
Subba B, Ravikanth G and Aravind N.A 2015, Reply to Global high-altitude limits for amphibians by Tracie A. Seimon and Anton Seimon (2015)., Journal of Threatened Taxa 7 (11): 7851-7852
Vasanthakumari M M, Jadhav S S, Sachin Naik, Vinod G, Shweta Singh, Manjunatha B L; Mohana Kumara P; Ravikanth G; Nataraja N Karaba,; Uma Shaanker R 2015, Restoration of camptothecine production in attenuated endophytic fungus on re-inoculation into host plant and treatment with DNA methyltransferase inhibitor., World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology DOI 10.1007/s11274-015-1916-0
Das A, Nagendra H, Anand M, Bunyan M 2015, Topographic and Bioclimatic Determinants of the Occurrence of Forest and Grassland in Tropical Montane Forest-Grassland Mosaics of the Western Ghats, India, PLOS ONE 10(6): e0130566.
