

ATREE students and researchers produce a range of outputs including peer-reviewed journal articles, discussion papers, books and popular articles.

Journal Articles

Kannan, R., C. M. Shackleton, R. U. Shaanker. 2013, Reconstructing the history of introduction and spread of the invasive species, Lantana, at three spatial scales in India., Biological Invasions 15: 1287-1302.
Kannan, R., C. Shakelton, R. Umashanker. 2013, Playing with the forest: invasive alien plants, policy and protected areas in India., Current Science 104 (9): 1159-1165.
Thomas, R. P., Joby Paul. 2013, Distribution and ecology of the genus Murdannia Royle (Commelinaceae) in South India., Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 3(4): 201-206.
Delsink, A., A. T. Vanak, S. Ferreira and R. Slotow 2013, Biologically relevant scales in large mammal management policies., Biological Conservation 167: 116-127.
Sreekumar, K. R., Joby Paul, and Rogimon P. Thomas 2013, Taxonomic and ecological appraisal of Ixora johnsonii Hook.F. , (Rubiaceae) mRNA 2 (3): 3-7.
Jorge, A., Vanak, A. T., M. Thaker, C. Begg and R. Slotow. 2013, Costs and benefits of the presence of leopards to the sport-hunting industry and local communities in Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique. , Conservation Biology 27(4): 832-843.
