

ATREE students and researchers produce a range of outputs including peer-reviewed journal articles, discussion papers, books and popular articles.

Journal Articles

Harisha, R. P. 2011, Livelihood and potential conservation roles of wild edible herbs. , International Society of Ethnobiology Newsletter3 (2): 1-2
Vanak, A.T. & Gompper, M.E. (2010). 2010, Interference competition at the landscape level: the effect of free-ranging dogs on a native meso-carnivore. , Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 1225:1232
Vanak, A. T., Thaker, M, & Slotow, R. (2010). 2010, Do fences create an edge-effect on the movement patterns of a highly mobile mega-herbivore? , Biological Conservation 143: 2631-2637
Thaker, M., Vanak, A.T., Owen, C, Lehmann, M, & Slotow, R. (2010). 2010, Group Dynamics of Zebra and Wildebeest in a Woodland Savanna: Effects of Predation Risk and Habitat Density, PLoSONE 5(9): e12758. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012758
Vanak, A.T. & Gompper, M.E. (2010). 2010, Multiscale resource selection and spatial ecology of the Indian fox in a human-dominated dry grassland ecosystem., Journal of Zoology 281: 140-148. Featured Paper: Journal of Zoology podcast - Summer 2010
Thaker, M., Vanak, A.T., Hews, D.K. & Lima, S.L. (2010). 2010, Aversive learning of a novel attacker in wild lizards is mediated by corticosterone., American Naturalist 175(1): 50-60
Srirama R, Senthilkumar U, Ravikanth G, Sreejayan N, Gurumurthy B. R, Shivanna, M.B, Sanjappa, M, Ganeshaiah K.N and Uma Shaanker R 2010, Assessing species admixtures in raw drug trade of Phyllanthus, a hepato-protective plant using molecular tools, 130 (2010) 208–215
