Dr R Uma Shaanker

Dr R Uma Shaanker's picture
Dr R Uma Shaanker
Professor, Department of Crop Physiology and School of Ecology and Conservation, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru. India
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Journal Articles

Santhosh Kumar J. U, Navdeep Gogna, Newmaster S. G, Krishna V, Ragupathy S, Seethapathy G. S, Ravikanth G, Kavitha Dorai and Uma Shaanker R 2016 DNA barcoding and NMR spectroscopy based assessment of species adulteration in the raw herbal trade of Saraca asoca (Roxb.) Willd, an important medicinal plant. November 2016, Volume 130, Issue 6, pp 1457–1470
Mohana Kumara P; Amitava Srimany; Ravikanth G; Uma Shaanker R and Pradeep T 2015 Ambient ionization mass spectrometry imaging of rohitukine, a chromone anti-cancer alkaloid, during seed development in Dysoxylum binectariferum Hook.f (Meliaceae). Volume 116, August 2015, Pages 104-110