

ATREE students and researchers produce a range of outputs including peer-reviewed journal articles, discussion papers, books and popular articles.

Journal Articles

Aravind, N.A., J. Manjunath, D. Rao, K.N Ganeshaiah, R. Uma Shaanker and G. Vanaraj. 2005, Are Red Listed species threatened? - A comparative analysis of Red Listed and Non-Red Listed plant species in the Western Ghats, India. , Current Science 88: 258-265.
Barve, N., M.C. Kiran, G. Vanaraj, N.A. Aravind, D. Rao, R. Uma Shaanker, K.N. Ganeshaiah and J.G. Poulsen. 2005, Measuring and mapping threats to a wildlife sanctuary in south India., Conservation Biology 19: 122-130.
Tambat, B., G. Rajanikanth, G. Ravikanth, R. Uma Shaanker, K.N. Ganeshaiah and C.G. Kushalappa. 2005, Seedling mortality in two vulnerable tree species in the sacred groves of Western Ghats, south India., Current Science 88: 350-352.
Shanker, K., and R. Kutty. 2005, Sailing the flagship fantastic: myth and reality of sea turtle conservation in India. , Maritime Studies (Special Issue) 3 (2): 213-240.
Nagendra, H., B. Karna and M. Karmacharya. 2005, Examining Institutional Change: Social conflict in Nepal's leasehold forestry programme., Conservation and Society 3(1): 72-91.
Aravind, N.A., K.P. Rajashekhar and N.A. Madhyastha. 2005, Species diversity, endemism and distribution of land snails of the Western Ghats, India. , Records of Western Australian Museum, Supplement 68: 31-38.
