Book Chapters
Wild Food Plants: History, Use, and Impacts of Globalization, Wild Food Plants for Zero Hunger and Resilient Agriculture
Genetic Consequences of Fragmentation in Tropical Forests: Novel Approaches to Assess and Monitor Critically Endangered Species, Molecular Genetics and Genomics Tools in Biodiversity Conservation.
Ecological Determinants of Woody Plant Species Richness in the Indian Himalayan Forest,
Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystem 5 Services in the Hindu Kush Himalaya, The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment
Honey and Gooseberry-Non-timber forest products: economic valuation and conservation challenges. In: Economic valuation of potential Bioresources for Access and Benefit Sharing. , Economic valuation of bio-resources from select ecosystems.
Climate Change and India's Forests. In: India in a Warming World, India in a Warming World
Synergistic Impacts of Invasive Alien Species and Climate Change: Implications for Biodiversity Conservation , Implications for Biodiversity Conservation Pp 212-229. In: JR Bhatt, A.A. Das, and K. Shanker (eds.). Biodiversity and Climate Change: An Indian Perspective. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India.
Remediation of Contaminated Urban Streams: A Decentralized Ecological Wastewater Treatment Approach, Water Remediation, PP 29-41, Springer, Singapore.
Managing river basins: Re-examining the biophysical basis, India’s Water Futures
Power, inequality and rights: A political ecology of forest restoration. In Mansourian, S. and Parrotta, J. (eds) , Forest Landscape Restoration Integrated Approaches to Support Effective Implementation. Routledge. Pages 47-62.