2022 Chapter 4, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group II Sixth Assessment Report Water, Land & Society
2021. Aditi Mukherji, Manish Kumar, Holly M. Berman; Angelica Katharina Casparina Brackel; Martina Angela Caretta, Calynn Dowler; Valeria Fanghella; Sharlene Liane Gomes; Benjamin Jerome Gray; Greeshma Hegde; Jonathan Lautze; Ashwina Mahanti; Mamta Mehar; Megan Mills-Novoa; Sanchari Mukhopadhyay; Lakshmikantha NR; Prajjwal Kumar Panday; Jagadish Parajuli; Ritu Priya; E.B. Uday Bhaskar Reddy; Pamela Rittelmeyer; Cydney Kate Seigerman; Rinan Shah; Gitta Shrestha; Balsher Singh Sidhu; Aprajita Singh; Jaishri Srinivasan; Brock Ternes; William Rigoberto Delgado Thompson; Shuchi Kirit Vora; Yashoda Yashoda 2021 Effectiveness of Water adaptation responses in reducing climate-related risks: A meta-review. Water, Land & Society
By the United Nations Development Programme, 1 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017 USA 2021 UN Human Development report 2020 Forests & Governance
@ 2020 Talk on Mad dogs and sick monkeys: Understanding pathogen dynamics in complex systems: a virtual talk hosted by Ecology Center Utah State University on 24th September, 2020 Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Planning
2020 Wildlife Trade and Global Health. The National Mission was mentioned as a GoI program to operationalize OneHealth in India: a Web panel hosted by Columbia Global Centers Program on the 17th of June 2020 Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Planning
@ 2020 Understanding Zoonotic Diseases: a DTE Webinar: From Animals to Humans, on the 8th of May 2020 Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Planning
2020 Reviewing the Ecological Evidence-Base for Management of Emerging Tropical Zoonoses: Kyasanur Forest Disease in India as A Case Study Landscape, Livelihoods and Conservation
@ 2020 examples of integrated Onehealth research and showcase a new National initiative: a talk at the Ashoka University Webinar: Operationalising OneHealth Science in India to Combat Emerging Zoonoses, on the 7th October, 2020 Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Planning
2020 Pathogen Transmission Pathways: Green Hub Dialogues on Jun 27, 2020 Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Planning
@ 2020 Operationalising a One Health Approach to Zoonoses Research in India: a DTE Webinar on 16th May, 2020 Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Planning