Book Chapters
Sustainable use of biomass resources: Objectives, Criteria and Recipes, in A. K. Gupta (Ed.),Criteria and Indicators of Sustainability in Rural Development: A Natural Resource Perspective, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, pp.94-108.
Returns to Investment in Conservation: Disaggregated Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Creation of a Wildlife Sanctuary, K.N. Ganeshaiah, R.U. Shaanker, and K.S. Bawa, (Eds). Proceedings of International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare, Oxford IBH Publishing, New Delhi, pp.31-33.
Consequences of Forest Conversion to Coffee Plantation on Litter Beetle and Ant Communities, in K.N. Ganeshaiah, R.U. Shaanker, and K.S. Bawa, (Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare, Oxford-IBH Publishing, New Delhi, pp.162-163.
Institutional issues in (J)FM(& R), in Anonymous (Ed.), National Workshop on Joint Forest Management, VIKSAT, Gujarat Forest Department and Aga Khan Foundation, Ahmedabad, pp.19-29.
Influence of Forest Rights Regimes on Sustainability and Returns from NTFP Harvest: The case of Garcinia gummi-gutta in the Western Ghats of India,, paper presented at the National Workshop on JFM, VIKSAT-Ahmedabad, February 24-26, 1999.
High-Resolution Vegetation Mapping for Forest Management in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, Proceedings of the Ninth User Interaction Workshop, National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad, pp. 137-144.
Extraction of non-timber forest products in Biligiri Rangan Hills, India: Monitoring a community-based project, in Anonymous (Ed.), Measuring Conservation Impact: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Project Monitoring and Evaluation, Biodiversity Support Program, World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D.C., pp.89-102.
Community enterprise for conservation in India: Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Sanctuary, in A. Kothari, Neema Pathak, R. V. Anuradha and Bansuri Taneja (Eds), Communities and Conservation: Natural Resource Management in South & Central Asia, Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp.449-466.
Nutrient use efficiency and the management of degraded lands. pp. 199-215. In: B. Gopal, P.S. Pathak and K.G. Saxena (eds.), Ecology Today: An Anthology of Contemporary Ecological Research. International Scientific Publications, New Delhi, India.
Re-lighting LAMPS: A draft Action Plan for Revitalizing the Tribal Cooperatives in Karnataka, in R. Rajagopalan (Ed.), Rediscovering Cooperation , Institute of Rural Management, Anand, Gujarat, pp. 92-105.