Book Chapters
New genomic resources to understand genetic diversity and promote crop improvement of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), breadfruit (A. altilis), and other under utilized Artocarpus crops, International Seminar on Artocarpus
Thinking About Urban Resilience: The Case of Water Scarcity and Wastewater Reuse in Bengaluru, Urban Resilience: Proceedings of the Colloquium, Bengaluru: Public Affairs Centre, ISBN 9788188816378
What is wrong with Joint Forest Management? , In: Democratizing Forest Governance in India (eds. Lele, S. and A. Menon). Pp. 25-62. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Epilogue, In: Democratizing Forest Governance in India (eds. Lele, S. and A. Menon). Pp. 402-414. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Introduction: Forest Governance beyond Joint Forest Management, Godavarman, and Tigers, In: Democratizing Forest Governance in India (eds. Lele, S. and A. Menon). Pp. 1-22. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
The Commons and Rural Livelihoods: Shifting dependencies and supra-local pressures., In: Democratizing Forest Governance in India (eds. Lele, S. and A. Menon). Pp. 376-401. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Addressing water stress through wastewater reuse: Complexities and challenges in Bangalore, India, 5th Global Forum on Urban Resilience & Adaptation Organised by ICLEI. Bonn. Germany. 29-31 May 2014.
Distinct Livelihood Patterns Among Communities: The Case of Kanakapura, Karnataka. In Purushothaman, S., R. Abraham (Eds.). , Livelihood strategies in southern India: conservation and poverty reduction in forest fringes. Pages 33-48. Springer, India.
Just Harvest: Ecology and Politics of Forest Canopy Product Use in Protected Areas. Margaret Lowman, Soubadra Devy, and T Ganesh, (eds), Treetops at Risk: Challenges of Global Canopy. Ecology and Conservation, page 395-399.
'Contextualizing Rural-Urban Water Conflicts: Biophysical and Socio-Institutional Issues of Domestic Water Scarcity', in V. Narain, C. Gurung Goodrich, J. Chourey, and A. Prakash (Eds.), Water in a Globalizing World: State, Markets and Civil Society in South Asia. Routledge Publishers, New Delhi.