Journal Articles
Hiremath A.J., and J.J. Ewel 2001, Diversity and ecosystem functioning in managed tropical ecosystems, Pages 465-468 in: K. N. Ganeshaiah, R. Uma Shaanker, and K. S. Bawa (eds.) Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford–IBH, New Delhi, India.
Hiremath A.J.,J.J. Ewel 2001, Ecosystem nutrient use efficiency, productivity, and nutrient accrual in model tropical communities, Ecosystems 4: 669-682
Murali. K. S., Siddappa Setty. R 2001, Effect of weeds Lantana camara and Chromelinaodarata growth on the species diversity, regeneration and stem density of tree and shrub layer in BRT sanctuary. , Current Science 80(5): 675-678
A.J. Hiremath, M. Cifuentes J 2000, Hyeronima alchorneoides , Forestry Compendium, Global Edition. Wallingford, UK: CAB International
Ganesh, T., and S.M. Devy, S.M 2000, Flower use by arboreal mammals and pollination of a rain forest tree in the south Western Ghats, India,
Ganeshaiah, K.N., R. Uma Shaanker and K.S. Bawa. 2000, Underlying processes governing genetic differentiation in the Western Ghats. ,
Bawa, K.S., C.S. Jha and S. Dutt 2000, Deforestation and land use changes in Western Ghats, India,
Hiremath A.J 2000, Photosynthetic nutrient use efficiency in three fast-growing tropical trees with contrasting leaf longevities, Tree Physiology 20: 937-944.
Ganeshaiah, K.N., R. Uma Shaanker, R. Chelvaraju and K. Ravikanth. 1999, Mapping rattan species diversity in South India.,