Journal Articles
Goswami, R., and T. Ganesh. 2011, Conservation amidst political unrest: the case of Manas National Park, India, Current Science 100(4): 445-446
Lele, S. 2011, Re-reading the interdisciplinary mindscape: A response to Redford. , Oryx 45(3): 331-332
Vivek, R., and T. Ganesh. 2011, Birding high: Ornithological studies in the canopy., What's up? 17(2): 2-3
Purushotham, C. B., K. Dharmadhikari and R. Vivek. 2011, A comparison of hill stream anuran diversity across two habitats in Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve: a pilot study., Frogleg 15: 2-9
Sharma, M. V., and K. R. Shivanna. 2011, Pollinators, pollination efficiency and fruiting success in a wild nutmeg, Myristica dactyloides., Journal of Tropical Ecology 27: 405-412
Southworth, J., H. Nagendra and L. Cassidy. 2011, Forest transition pathways in Asia - studies from Nepal, India, Thailand, and Cambodia. , Journal of Land Use Science: 1-15.
Purushothaman, S. and Abraham R 2011, Scaling up and sustainability: The experience from rural India., Sustainability in Debate 2(2): 21-42
V. Deepak, M. Ramesh, S. Bhupathy and K. Vasudevan. 2011, Indotestudo travancorica (Boulenger 1907) – Travancore Tortoise. , Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises. Chelonian Research Monographs 5:054.1-054.6
K.S.Vinayaka, R. Siddappa Setty, Y.L.Krishnamurthy 2011, Utilization of Lichens in the Central Western Ghats area of Karnataka, India. , British Lichen Society Bulletin109: 57-625
Sundaram B., A.J. Hiremath 2011, Lantana camara invasion in a heterogeneous landscape: patterns of spread and correlation with changes in native vegetation. , Biological Invasions 14: 1127-1141 (doi: 10.1007/s10530-011-0144-2)